FSSC 22000 Course Description
FSSC 22000 contains a complete certification scheme for Food Safety Systems based on existing standards for certification (ISO 22000, ISO 22003 and technical specifications for sector PRPs). The certification will be accredited under the standard ISO guide 17021. Manufacturers that are already certified against ISO 22000 will only need an additional review against technical specifications for sector PRPs to meet this certification scheme. Organizations that want to integrate quality in their management systems follow the requirements of ISO 9001.It is developed for the certification of food safety systems of organizations in the food chain that process or manufacture animal products, perishable vegetal products, products with a long shelf life, (other) food ingredients like additives, vitamins, bio-cultures and food packaging material manufacturing.
FSSC 22000 is ready for new scopes at the moment the necessary technical specifications for sector PRPs have been realized and large players in the international food sectors would request FSSC 22000 to cover these sectors. FSSC 22000 has as mission to be the globally leading, independent, non-profit, ISO-bases and GFSI-accepted food safety certification scheme for the whole supply chain.
The FSSC 22000 certification scheme has been given full recognition by the Global Food Safety Initiative Board of Directors. This follows an extensive benchmarking process using the requirements laid out in the GFSI Guidance Document Version 5, and an addendum which was issued in December 2009. FSSC will be benchmarked against GFSI GD 6. The Foundation for Food Safety Certification retains the ownership and the copyright and the licence agreements for certification bodies
Course Overview
Aims & Objectives
- Paham kaitan persyaratan terbaru dari FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Mampu melakukan set-up dokumen terbaru FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Mampu membuat risk ass & HACCP terbaru dengan konsep terbaru dari FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Improvement system & mensupport kelulusan Audit
Learning Outcome
- Mempelajari mengenai pentingnya dan manfaat dari implementasi FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Memahami persyaratan utama, istilah, definisi dan perubahan dari FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Setiap organisasi mampu melakukan up-grade system ke versi baru FSSC 22000 Ver 5.1
- Kepuasan pelanggan melalui pengiriman produk yang secara konsisten memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan termasuk kendali mutu, keamanan dan kepatuhan hukum
- Mengurangi biaya operasional melalui peningkatan berkesinambungan dari proses-proses yang dilalui
- Peningkatan terhadap pengendalian manajemen resiko dengan konsistensi secara sungguh-sungguh dan kemampu-telusuran produk yang diproduksi
- Tercapainya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap bisnis yang dijalankan – dibuktikan dengan adanya verifikasi pihak ketiga yang independen pada standar yang diakui
- Lulus audit badan sertifikasi sehingga perusahaan mempunyai nilai jual ataupun pengakuan dari customer-nya
Who Should Attend
- Quality executives/managers
- Tim Quality perusahaan
- Food Safety Personel
- Top management / management representatives
- Fresh graduates / orang yang akan memulai karir di bidang FSMS
- Dan semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung maupun tidak terkait dengan sistem manajemen keamanan pangan perusahaan
- Pengenalan FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Pemahaman perubahan dan persyaratan terbaru dari FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Pemahaman mengenai contoh implementasi dokumen dari FSSC 22000 Versi 5.1
- Pemahaman mengenai FSSC 22000 Full Remote Audit
Teaching Methods
- Detail materi seminar (bisa didownload)
- Istilah dan Definisi
- Jumlah slide : 152
Study time allocation
Efektif belajar mandiri : 16 Jam
Jam kontak trainer : Office hour (08.00 – 17.00 WIB)