Quality Food Safety Culture Course Description
Food fraud is about “any suspected intentional action by businesses or individuals for the purpose of deceiving purchasers and gaining undue advantage therefrom, in violation of the rules referred to in Article 1(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (the agri-food chain legislation)”
Food fraud occurs when a food supplier intentionally deceive its customer about the quality and contents of the foods they are purchasing. While food fraud is often motivated by profit, some forms of food fraud can also pose a direct threat to the health of customers and consumers (FAO)
Course Overview
Aims & Objectives
- Memberikan pemahaman tentang Food Safety Culture BRCGS
- Pembahasan Food Safety Culture dalam standar FSSC 22000
- Pemahaman Food Safety Culture FSA Yum!
- Identifikasi Food Safety Culture & Peningkatannya
Learning Outcome
- Mamahami apa yang dimaksud dengan Food Safety Quality Culture di perusahaan
- Mampu merancang Food Safety Quality Culture di perusahaan
- Menanamkan keamanan pangan pada karyawan
- Improvement untuk perusahaan
- Pemenuhan persyaratan mengenai food safety quality culture (misal FSSC 22000, BRCGS, YUM! Audit, dll)
Who Should Attend
- Manager teknisi
- Manager produksi
- Anggota Tim TACCP
- Food manufacturer
- Food storage, transportation and distributors
- Food Service Provider
- Recall Team
- Internal Auditor
- Food Safety Team (including Leader)
- Food Safety Culture BRCGS
- Food Safety Culture FSSC 22000
- Food Safety Culture FSA Yum!
- Identifikasi Food Safety Culture & Peningkatannya
Teaching Methods
- Detail materi seminar (bisa didownload)
- Istilah dan Definisi
- Jumlah slide : 58
Study time allocation
Efektif belajar mandiri : 4 Jam
Jam kontak trainer : Office Hours (08.00-17.00)