
These General Principles lay a firm foundation for ensuring food hygiene and should be used in conjunction with each specific code of hygienic practice, where appropriate, and the guidelines on microbiological criteria. The document follows the food chain from primary production through to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage.


These General Principles lay a firm foundation for ensuring food hygiene and should be used in conjunction with each specific code of hygienic practice, where appropriate, and the guidelines on microbiological criteria. The document follows the food chain from primary production through to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage.

It recommends a HACCP-based approach wherever possible to enhance food safety as described in Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for its Application (Annex). The controls described in this General Principles document are internationally recognized as essential to ensure the safety and suitability of food for consumption. The General Principles are commended to Governments, industry (including individual primary producers, manufacturers, processors, food service operators and retailers) and consumers alike. Source: GMP Codex

Course Overview

Aims & Objectives

  • Paham kaitan prinsip & kriteria GMP
  • Mampu melakukan implementasi GMP di perusahaan
  • Improvement system & mensupport kelulusan Audit

Learning Outcome

  • Memperoleh pemahaman interpretasi Prinsip & Kriteria GMP
  • Memperoleh pemahaman mengenai standar-standar yang mengatur GMP
  • Mengetahui strategi yang efektif untuk menerapkan GMP
  • Menambah wawasan dengan adanya diskusi studi kasus dengan organisasi lain
  • Mampu mengimplementasikan standar GMP dan pengembangannya secara efektif sesuai dengan bidang usaha yang dijalani
  • Membangun manajemen mutu perusahaan yang tepat guna dan efektif diterapkan diperusahaan

Who Should Attend

  • Quality executives/managers
  • Tim Quality perusahaan
  • Food Safety Personel
  • Top management / management representatives
  • Fresh graduates / orang yang akan memulai karir di bidang FSMS
  • Dan semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung maupun tidak terkait dengan sistem manajemen keamanan pangan perusahaan


    • Pengenalan pentingnya keamanan pangan & GMP Codex
    • Konsep dan implementasi dari Good Hygiene Practices
  • Pemahaman mengenai implementasi GMP Codex di perusahaan


Teaching Methods

  • Detail materi seminar (bisa didownload)
  • Istilah dan Definisi
  • Jumlah slide : 65

Study time allocation

Efektif belajar mandiri : 4 Jam 

Jam kontak trainer : Office hour (08.00 – 17.00 WIB)