Total Productive Maintenance


TPM Course


Course Overview

Aims & Objectives

  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip TPM secara praktis melalui 8 pillar
  • Memahami falsafah dan konsep dasar sistem perawatan terpadu TPM
  • Memahami elemen-elemen TPM
  • Memahami strategi implementasi TPM

Learning Outcome

  • Memahami konsep TPM
  • Dapat membentuk team TPM
  • Menerapkan proses TPM di internal perusahaan
  • Mampu melakukan pengendalian dan monitoring terhadap aktifitas maintenance.
  • Mampu mengevaluasi proses maintenance di perusahaan.

Who Should Attend

  • Manajer Produksi
  • Manajer Perawatan
  • Supervisor
  • Foreman
  • Team leader
  • Section head
  • Department lain yang terkait dengan kegiatan perawatan.


  1. TPM in Process Industry
  2. Maximizing Production Effectiveness
  3. Directive Correction
  4. Autonomous Maintenance
  5. Planned Maintenance
  6. Initial Management
  7. Qualified of Maintenance
  8. Skill Training of Operation and Maintenance
  9. TPM at Administration and Support Section
  10. Safe and Enviromental Friendly System
  11. Small Group Activity in TPM
  12. TPM Effectiveness Measurement


Teaching Methods

  • Detail materi seminar (bisa didownload)
  • Istilah dan Definisi
  • Jumlah slide : 65

Study time allocation

Efektif belajar mandiri : 4 Jam

Jam kontak trainer : Office Hours (08.00-17.00)